dimarts, 25 d’agost del 2020


Grateful for the captions, the pause button, and Wikipedia. 

By IMDB-rebekahrox
4 July 2020 

I started watching this out of curiosity and to say I have seen it, being the cultural touchstone that it is. At first, I was a little detached, not liking the songs too much, and thinking I would probably just skip through to end in a minute. I couldn't stop watching and it really sucked me in. I have to say, I'm not sure I would have enjoyed it at all, live in the theater. I benefited greatly from the captions and the ability to put it on pause to consult Wikipedia from time to time. The lyrics were so clever and really told the story. I ended up very moved and almost cheering at the end. Of course, now that I am familiar with the story, I would love to see it live and would enjoy it immensely. But I would strongly recommend this for a first time viewing. I will definitely re-watch. And probably again and again.

 VIDEO - HAMILTON - 2020 - 8 /10 - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8503618/