dissabte, 31 d’octubre del 2020

defending jacob, season 1

Pretty good, well acted, some interesting surprises and ambiguities 

By IMDB-altereggo123 

9 June 2020 

 It was a little weird to see Lady Mary a/k/a Michelle Dockery as a boring American wife, but she delivered an excellent performance. The Emmy, however, goes to.... Chris Evans' beard. What a masterpiece! Lots of lingering shots of each perfectly styled and shaped bit of it. He plays a prosecutor trying to defend his son against murder charges, though if this series were realistic, it would show him spending half the time in front of a mirror with a stylist. The script and cinematography could have been a bit tighter and shorter, but it did still manage to create some good suspense and surprises. People have complained that the movie doesn't track the book, but I think the plot and the ending work. Can't say more without spoilers.


VIDEO - DEFENDING JACOB, Season 1 - 2020 - 8/10 - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2304589/

ask dr. ruth

A force of nature 

By IMDB-heartcore9 

28 October 2019 

 Dr. Ruth is a worthy subject for a documentary. She was controversial at the time that she had her sex show, and she has an interesting life story that took her from Nazi Germany as a child (heartbreaking yet inspiring). At 90 years old, she has the energy of a 30 year old. A fun documentary that explores her impact on psychology, sexuality, and pop culture.


VIDEO - ASK DR. RUTH - 2019 - 7/10 - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9353586/

the trial of the chicago 7

Thank you, 2020 needed this 

By IMDB-blackoutH 

21 October 2020 

When 2020 seemed lost, The Trial of the Chicago 7 comes to the rescue... Finally Netflix does it again for movies, with some much "spam" coming in these days we needed this movie.. A story based on true events that took place in Chicago in 1968, where a group of individuals spoke up and protested again the Vietnam War during the Democratic National Convention.These supposed pacific protests took a dark turn and several police aggressions painted this violent scenario, as in so many other historical occasions. The movie takes most if its time depicting the "circus" (for lack of a better word to describe it) that the 5 month trial of the major 7 figures of this riot was, and the situations that were dealt by them while being defended - from a biased judge, to a cheating prosecution, and of course a not so easy to control set of defendants. We witness once more the dark side and the hipocrisy of what was once claimed the country of opportunities and freedom, we see oppression and false sense of morality taking over and as it always happens, lives simply vanishing in the name of pointless wars. 

The movie is simply fantastic, from a direction standpoint its dynamic, you feel energized throughout the entire film and it keeps you engaged to the story, mostly because of the charisma of the characters, and of course another big factor that contributes to this is the actual cast, from the fantastic Sacha Baron Cohen, to Mark Rylance, Eddie Redmayne, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II basically an A-list cast that drove this movie to the high quality standards it deserves. While it is a drama, it has a lot of comedic aspects added to it that kind of ease the tention and the serioussness of the topics discussed, but don't be fooled, I'm not an American national so discussing these topics can always be a sensitive subject, however the message is clear as history repeats itself, people fighting for basic rights of freedom and against a rotten and flawed system are marked as anti-americans while the representatives of the self procclaimed free country are themselves the oppressors and the responsibles for thousands of casualties of their own nationals. But politics gives room to a major discussion, so not to deviate the attention of the movies, here's wy it's one of the best for this year: it's bold, gets you familiarized with an important event in American history, reminds you that fights against injustice started a long time ago, it's very well acted and written and for sure a source of pure entertainment which might be hard to find these days in movies! 

I suspect we are starting to enter the award season and this might be an Academy Award front runner, with all that is been going on in the world, I do hope we will still be able to celebrate movies and specially the ones that impact us positevely and make us think about important subjects that we prefer to ignore.



VIDEO - THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 - 2020 - 9/10 - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1070874/

dijous, 29 d’octubre del 2020

melania trump, cet obscur object du pouvoir

Laurence Haïm : "Melania Trump, cet obscur objet du pouvoir" 

La journaliste franco-américaine Laurence Haïm, ancienne figure d’iTélé, couvre cette année sa huitième campagne présidentielle américaine : Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, puis Donald Trump… Dans un documentaire diffusé lundi (*), la journaliste a voulu comprendre qui se cache derrière la femme de l’actuel président en lice pour sa réélection, Melania, la First lady la plus mystérieuse de toute l'Histoire américaine.




ratched, season 1

Estilista, però defectuós. 

Per: IMDB-henryshear 


Ryan Murphy continua ampliant les seves habilitats narratives i l’imperi amb les seves darreres sèries. A Murphy li encanta una peça d’època i això es veu a tota la roba, els edificis i els cotxes. Els clàssics murphians, com jo els dic, apareixen a la sèrie, sobretot Sarah Paulson i Finn Wittrock. Hi ha altres actors que apareixen com Jon Jon Briones, que va ser vist recentment a AHS: Apocalypse. Em va encantar que Murphy incorporés altres actors amb els quals no ha treballat: Vincent D'Onofrio, Sharon Stone, Corey Stoll, Judy Davis i Cynthia Nixon només per citar alguns. 

 L’actuació i l’estil de l’espectacle són excel•lents. Cada escena és brillant i un element que em va encantar era que certs colors reflectien els pensaments i els sentiments de Mildred Ratched en les seves escenes individuals. Durant uns sis episodis, Murphy em va entretenir, però no va respondre a algunes preguntes clau. No hi ha cap indicació que la Mildred Ratched retratada al programa estigui fins i tot una mica relacionada amb el seu homòleg de One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Té fets de crueltat i crueltat, però sembla que es desferà a la conclusió de la primera temporada. Ratched té amics, els que es preocupen per ella i al final se sent realitzada en la seva vida. 

No hi ha cap indici de com es converteix en la persona que es troba a One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest malgrat els seus actes manipulatius al començament de la sèrie. Un altre tema clau són les amistats que crea amb els altres. Murphy sol fer un tema estrany on els enemics es fan amics sense cap motiu. Això ha passat a AHS, The Politician i la seva recent minisèrie Hollywood. Com a espectador, vull entendre el procés de pensament que hi ha darrere, però només em confon. Sembla que vol que tothom s’entengui i confon la història. La meva última crítica és del personatge de Louise d’Amanda Plummer. Louise és la propietària d'un motel increïblement molest on es troba Ratched, però el seu personatge sembla estar al programa sense cap motiu. No s'afegeix a la trama i Murphy sembla voler involucrar el seu personatge a causa d'Amanda Plummer. 

És gairebé com si no sabés què fer amb ella i la seva posició en la història va canviar completament durant el final. Això va ser tan confús com a espectador i una de les meves principals queixes de Murphy: presta més atenció a l’actor que a la història. També ho fa amb Sophie Okonedo, però la seva interpretació és increïble i mereix un reconeixement. Igual que Amanda Plummer, va donar preferència a les seves habilitats interpretatives més que a la història. Bé, les meves crítiques ja estan fetes. L’actuació és estel•lar, de vegades era lleugerament melodramàtica, però no m’importava. Em van encantar cada escena amb Sarah Paulson i Finn Wittrock, tenen una química increïble junts. El més probable és que hagin treballat junts a AHS. 

Jo suggereixo l’espectacle, però, com a espectador, és important adonar-se dels seus defectes. Espero que mireu el programa i que fins i tot reconegueu altres mancances o observacions. Si us plau, mireu l’espectacle, em va semblar molt entretingut.



VIDEO - RATCHED, Season 1 - 2020 - 8/10 - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7423538/